First on the agenda is to tell you about some people who actually are cool. They are a band called Fatblueman (band members are John, Hiroko, Hiro, Tom, and Eishi) and they can rock some socks for sure :)!

I read about them on another guys blog,, and so went to check them out. I was actually really pleasantly surprised to find such likeable music so easily accessible. Their entire album 'Back to Winnipeg' is available for FREE (that's right, free, y'all know how much you like that word) download.

All you have to do is go to their Youtube channel page and find the link to download it....that easy! I highly recommend it if you have some time to chill out and just soak the music and lyrics up, very enjoyable ^_^.
I spent a whole three and a half hours traveling and shooting episode 2 of The Little Silver Box the other day, which is quite a long time to be sitting on a battery-powered bicycle in the wind and rain, with no jacket on!
I decided to show the Ross Dam spillway and the three weirs here in Townsville, seeing as how right now they are all past maximum capacity, and as a result are majorly overflowing!
Aplins Weir, one of the weirs I visited, at dusk. The low-light setting on the camera made these photos turn out quite interesting methinks
Anyways, they might be spilling over even more soon, because there is a cyclone headed in our direction, Cyclone Ellie. It is only a category 1, and is expected to reduce to a Low (which is not even classified as a cyclone) by tomorrow afternoon. But always yay for rain right?
The southern half of Australia, however, isn't doing so well weather-wise right now. They are experiencing the hottest heat-wave since Australian records began in 1855. In Melbourne last week, on the 28th, 29th and 30th, temperatures consecutively reached above 43 degrees celcius! That's 109 farenheit for those who are still in the dark ages using the imperial system lol.
But seriously, it's not good. People are actually dying from "heat stress", and that is bloody drastic. Also, unprecedented high usage of airconditioning in Melbourne eventually proved too much strain, and their power grid broke down on the night of the 30th. How crazy is this???
So my heart goes out to those who have lost anyone, and to those who are having to struggle through the heat. Of course, I'm sure that other places on Earth are constantly experiencing temperatures like these, but it's definitely a shock to see it right in our backyard.
I hate to leave blogs on unhappy notes, so I'll throw in a jollier tidbit. Yesterday I went for a hike up the Uni hills with my big bro, Fred. It was really nice, an unexpected treat was to see the long-grass covering the hillsides nearly blown flat by strong gusts which drowned out all sound and forced us to lean into it to avoid being swayed off the path. Great fun! ^_^
Oh yeah, and congratulations Leonie on your latest Distinction for Uni!!!!! ^_^ Smart cookie she is.
Oki dokeys, just waiting on that acceptance letter, man that Dumbledore is forgetful, hmmmmmmm...