I bought my li'l sister's chrissie present the other day. I got her things to take on her holiday trip to New Zealand with Mum and her dad. I miss you Mum :'(.
On the topic of christmas presents, HOW FREAKIN HARD IS IT TO FIND A SUITABLE PRESENT FOR EVERYONE?!?!?!?!?! I have finally figured out what to get my bro Fred, Leonie's is in the bag, my little brothers has been decided, Mums and Annies (li'l sis) have been given already (they left yesterday), but I still don't know what to get: my Dad, Stepmother, big sis Flo, friends Tony and Campo, the list goes on...
The ideas that keep popping up in my head are all quite expensive :(... and I only have until next Thursday @_@!!!!!

My christmas present to myself (I reckon I've been good) is a new digital camera. I haven't owned one for about four years, and I'm ready to photograph anything in sight! hehe...
No, but really, I was thinking about possibly strapping it to my bike and taking it on rides with me up Mount Stuart/Castle Hill/Hervey's Range e.t.c. (video footage). Plus it'll be good for uni stuff like Anime Club (yep, I'm a MASSIVE nerd), get-togethers and other whatnots.
Anyhooooooooo, the point of this little rant is that cameras are expensive! That's why I'm getting my dad to search for one similar to his (Samsung s1050) because I like it, and he'll probably be able to get it cheap online :). And maybe want to go halves in it for my christmas present?????? :P who knows.
Also, on the topic of expenses, I took my Toshiba Portege tablet laptop into the repair shop today :(. I have tried and tried to get it working for ages, but when it comes down to it, I just don't know shite about anything computer-related...now it's going to cost me minimum $250 for something that I should, by rights, be able to fix myself.
So by my estimation, Christmas this year is gonna cost, well, a hellavalot!
Plus, my flatmate is moving out soon, and it'll just be Fred and I living here, so expenses will shoot up there too. Woo for taxes and rent O_o
Peace outttttttttttttttttt
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