My alarm goes off, in it's almost subtle yet indistinguishable tone.
"Right, up we get".
"Why haven't we moved? Are we lazy?"
..."arghhhhhhhh my back is screaming at me!!!!!"
I literally had to half roll, half crawl out of bed. My lower lumbar area was hurting, it was ouchies, IT WAS ABSOLUTELY CANING! (is caning an Australian colloquialism? it means really, REALLY, hurting).
Riding to work was no fun at all, although the air was crisp and the scenery lush and vibrant-looking due to an early-morning rain-shower. I ride a Cinelli Unica road bike (bicycle that is, not motorbike). This means that even when I don't ride with my hands on the "hoods" or on the "drops" (hoods are just above the brakes/gears, and drops are the lower bits of the handlebars, the "horns" if you will), my body is about halway to jacknifing whilst riding. Needless to say, this wasn't improving my lumbar situation. By the time I arrived to work, I was ready to turn right around and head straight for home, with the words "ice pack, heat pack, bed" being the prevalent keywords swimming in my consciousness. But, being the good worker that I [sometimes] am, I narrowed my eyes, stared down a huge pile of stock to be shelved, and dove into the shift. I worked willingly, ignoring the ever-increasing pain. I toiled tirelessly, shunning the nervous system signals coming from my stomach reminding me ever so kindly "ah, did you forget something? Breakfast?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?". I laboured lovingly, assuring myself that I didn't have food poisoning, albeit the cramping sensations coming from my stomach and bowels tried to convince me otherwise.........
And then I started work.
Seriously, it was the worst shift EVER! Until, that is, Leonie bought me some lunch halfway through, and I borrowed a buck off her to buy some cheap and nasty cola, the caffeine in which pepped me up to no end :). Thanks Leonie!
After work (did I mention our basement/loading dock smells like raw sewage right now? I think I know what the culprit guessed it, probably raw sewage leaking from a pipe), Leonie and I went to Stable on the Strand, which is like a mini-mini festival held every year at the Strand (beach), in Strand Park (imaginative names right?).
It was pretty fun. The whole place was decked out pavillion-style with fence borders painted to look like stone walls. Once we stepped through the gates, it was out of Townsville, and into little Bethlehem. Heaps of people were in character for the people of the time of Jesus' Christ's [supposed] birth. Centurians and other Roman soldiers, beggars, carpenters, weavers, seamstresses, maintenance boys scrubbing "walls", potters, people filling out the Roman census, e.t.c.
Leonie's friend Bianca was in a montage-style play depicting all the, I suppose, important biblical events leading up to the Jesus Christ bit (Adam & Eve, Noah's Ark, Joseph, yadda yadda yadda). It was made more entertaining by "Satan", an actor in a smart red shirt and black vest. He constantly roamed the stage and audience, yelling random shite and "cursing" people or something lol. It was pretty funny, and he pulled it off well through sheer confidence and loudness haha. I got most of it on video, but I'll talk about that later.
After checking out the food stalls, more biblical stuff, a glance at the petting zoo (cute lambies mawwwwwww), and the rock concert happening on the beachfront (some pretty nice heavy rock takes on classic christmas carols lol), Leonie and I stumbled upon another stage-area away from the others. To be honest, I didn't have any part in finding it. All I heard was a squeal of pleasure from Leonie, and saw her running towards the area. It turned out that some hiphop dancers (from out of town I reckon) were performing. I ran to the center of the crowd and whipped out the camera in my pocket and started recording. This was made hard by the fact that Leonie kept shaking me and yelling "aw man! This is so COOL!" lol, funny girl.
Now, some big newssssssss. I have finally, after a year or so, put another Youtube video up on my account (shock amazement!). It is the one I've just been talking about, the hiphop dancing one :). I've done some basic editing (credits, fade-in/out) and uploaded it just now. Hot off the press!
If anyone ever actually reads this blog (signs pointing to noooooooooo) chack out my youtube channel. My avatar name is "ensortion" ^_^
Anyhoooo, signing out now.
Peace to all and to all a goodnight, except insomniacs, for whom that old saying holds little or no meaning :P.
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