I've managed to put another youtube vid up. This one is special; my first youtube appearance where I consciously talk to the camera. I did a short intro to the vid (which is of Leonie teaching me how to make sushi), and kinda screwed it up. I went off on tangents about Naruto and Harry Potter, and kept saying "really great". It felt exactly like speaking in front of a crowd does.....daunting lol. Hopefully I'll get used to it :).
One of the coolest things about making sushi was being able to understand the hiragana on the front of the packet of dried seaweed :) it feels like I've accomplished something at least a little productive in this largely wasted university holidays lol.

1: su 2: shi 3: no 4: ri
I have no idea what the thing above 'su' is though, perhaps someone could enlighten me?
When editing it in Moviemaker in Windows Vista (on Leonie's new laptop) the video wouldn't encode properly to start with. It kept encoding it so that a green bar filled the bottom half of the screen. I was confused as all heck, so googled "Windows Vista movie maker green bar" and found that it is a very common problem on Vista. Having found instructions on how to change a setting in the start menu, I finally encoded the movie and uploaded it (which took ages also, not sure why hmmmmm). But anyways.....woo! Haha.
Other than doing video stuff, I have been, well, just bumming around really. The chickens still haven't layed yet :( but I'll wait for another couple of weeks before I really start worrying about that.
Something interesting happened yesterday. I was in the middle of a bicycle ride with Tony (best mate), and we were heading down Laverack Barracks Road (as the name suggests, there is an army base that runs right along the length of it, about a 2-3km stretch of straight, smooth road, great for cycling). In the distance I could see a police car on the side of the road, and as I got closer I could see two policemen standing next to it pointing spped-guns at us lol. As I approached them I shouted "how fast am I going?", to which one of them shouted back "50km/h"...
Now this was all cool, except that my speedo said that I was only traveling 46km/h.... :S
This either means that my speedo is calibrated incorrectly (which I don't mind so much about) or the policemen's guns were wrong (I highly doubt this), which entertains the idea of false speeding tickets lol.
That same day I worked a five hour shift, followed by two hours of squash (I won two of the three matches I played against Fred and Campo), a small run, and then a barbecue at Leonies house. Man I love their FOOD! lol It's so good. There were these spicy prawn kebabs, yummmmm!!!!! steaks cooked three different ways, tandoori chicken, a weird but cool salad (the ingredients included feta cheese, pine nuts, and WATERMELON chunks) were just some of the things on the menu. And awesome desserts that I can't spell the names of (Indian lol). Yep, definitely an excellent dinner :-D.
Tony and I were supposed to have a run this afternoon, but he is sick with a flu-type thing, so I will go it alone I suppose. Oh yeah, followed by a walk up Castle Hill.
Speaking of Castle Hill, it is one of the foremost projects for filming as soon as I can work out how to strap the camera to my bike :) maybe a tailor-made job is required hmmmm...
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