Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Me likee the overtime pay

My day in a nutshell until now:

>wake up
>go to work
>sweat alot at work in the hot morning sun, lugging pallets of stock to and fro
>work two hours overtime at increased rate of pay :D:D:D:D:D, spending whole two hours building a flat-pack 'buffet table' (retail $139, don't buy it, it's a crock)(for those who don't know what "it's a crock" means, it is short for "it's a crock of shit", same as saying load of crap)
>somehow manage to ride home in a hungry daze
>collapse in airconditioned room and watch JET youtube videos (lucky buggers, being in Japan :'( )
>write crappy and mundane blog entry

and that's it so far....

Oh yeah, Fred and I played some hardcore squash last night, and although he won every game, I played better than I ever, bit sad but meh.

No more work until Saturday!!!!! :D:D:D (that's nearly two whole days!) sleep-in tomorrow woot-woot!

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