Sunday, December 14, 2008


Ok well, this was the post in which I intended to upload the pictures of Nara, Japan that I mentioned a couple of posts ago. Caleb (the photographer and JET participant) quickly gave me the go ahead, thanks Caleb! :)
Unfortunately, Facebook is being extremely difficult....meaning, it's shat itself! Just doesn't load on my computer :'( sooooooooo yeah... will post them asap.

Only one hour and 16 minutes until my uni results come online :S Not actually sure how I went. Last semester I was pleasantly surprised, however this time I'm quite sure I didn't do quite so crash hot. I was only doing one subject this semester; Anatomy and Physiology 2 (BM1062), where the anatomy was simpler than last time, yet the physiology harder :(. I didn't go to enough lectures, and wasn't as into the study as I should've been. But yeeaaahh, we'll see.

Went bowling twice today, once in the morning with Fred, Campo and Annie, and also tonight with Fred, Leonie and Claire :). Fred beat me both times and one game (one of tonights) I came last out of everyone *frowney face*, but it was still great to get out of the house :).

It was weird this arvo. As I let the chickens back into their pen, a few sparse raindrops began to fall. The humidity (which had been really stifling for most of today) dropped considerably. Minutes later, lightning appeared on the horizon. The wind picked up from zero to 100 in about ten seconds, and I could actually hear the rainstorm coming closer until it was right on top of us :S it was quite amazing to notice all of this happening in a matter of minutes. Fred said that I witnessed a "front".

Had a driving lesson with Flo today, went well I suppose. I just can't really get excited about driving. I think if I'd have done my lessons three years earlier, then I would feel a part of the hype, but now it just seems an annoying necessity to get a license. I live in a relatively small city (in Australia it's classed as a city, anywhere else it would be classed as smaller). I can ride pretty much anywhere I need to go in 40min maximum, uni and work are close, and anytime I really can't/don't want to ride, I can bus it, or beg Leonie for a lift lol. But I think having to renew my Learner's license for a fourth time this coming January will be somewhat tired-feeling and a little drawn out lol...

Work tomorrow isn't until 6.30pm(-9.30pm) so It will be sleep-in city in the morning :)

Ok Facebook just started working again, so hopefully I will put up the pictures soon :)

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